AFHS Theatre Presents:
Outside Back Cover:
Full Color, Full Page Ad
Both Fall and Spring Playbills
Reserved for Peakway Taps
Includes a 10% discount
Width: 4.75in, Height: 7in
Resolution: 300dpi
Color mode: CMYK
You are purchasing an Inside Cover (front or back) for the Playbill. Please note that this offer subject to availability..
Payment Due Immediately
Inside Cover: Full Color, Full Page Ad
Width: 4.75in, Height: 7in
Resolution: 300dpi
Color mode: CMYK
You are purchasing an Inside Cover (front or back) for the Playbill. Please note that this offer subject to availability..
Payment Due Immediately
​Full Page Ad, Black & White
Width: 4.75in, Height: 7in
Resolution: 300dpi
Payment Due Immediately
Half Page Ad, Black & White
Width: 4.75in, Height: 3.5in
Resolution: 300dpi
Payment Due Immediately
Quarter Page Ad, Black & White
Width: 2.3in, Height: 3.5in
Resolution: 300dpi
Payment Due Immediately
Please be sure to include the name of your business so we can properly credit your ad!
Purchase a shout-out in the Playbill for your favorite cast or crew member!
What is a Shout-Out?
Scroll down for examples.
Only $15 for a 1/8 page shout-out space in the Playbill. Please fill in the student name and your message. Message limited to 200 characters. NO emojis, or special characters; PayPal form can not process characters like quotations marks (i.e. " and ').
Shout-Out Sales ended October 24.​
If you have questions, please contact us at AFHStheatre@gmail.com