AFHS Theatre
Spring 2025

March 20 & 21: 7:30pm, March 22: 2pm & 7:30pm​

Please read and sign the participant agreement by January 2l.
Participants in AFHS Theatre's production of 9 to 5: The Musical have been cast in an acting role or assigned to a crew position of responsibility. The success of this production depends on adherence to the following:
Directors Commitment:
Directors will draw from their education, knowledge and experience to produce a quality production. Directors will guide students in their roles, and utilize student abilities and talents wherever possible.
Directors will treat each student and each student's parent/guardians with respect. Casting and crew selections are made based on the student's ability to perform their role as assessed during open auditions and interviews, and are not based on age, appearance, seniority, race, gender, or identity. Prior experience and a student's character may figure into the selection process but are not selection criteria in and of themselves. Directors will discuss an individual's selection directly with that individual on request.
Directors will provide a safe, inclusive working environment for cast and crew to the best of their ability.
Directors understand that participation in an AFHS Theatre production is an extracurricular activity and that academics come first. Directors will clearly communicate rehearsal and crew schedules using the proper channels for communication, i.e. Remind and the Call Board. Directors will adhere to posted rehearsal and crew call start and end times to the best of their ability. Any schedule
changes will be clearly communicated
Directors will be available to respond to student questions and concerns during regular school and rehearsal hours. Directors will reply to communication from students and parents and guardians in a timely manner, within the parameters of normal working hours.
Student Commitment:
I agree to attend all rehearsals and crew commitments for which I am scheduled. It is my responsibility to check the rehearsal and crew calendar frequently for any updates. I will remain at rehearsal or crew assignment until it is completed or I am excused. I am responsible for communicating my schedule to my parents/guardian.
If I must miss a rehearsal or crew commitment for any reason, I will personally contact the Director and SM team prior to the beginning of the rehearsal. I will make the Directors aware of any scheduled absences as well as unplanned absences. If I do not notify the Director of absences in a timely manner, or if excessive absences interfere with my ability to fulfill my role, I understand that my role may be recast or reassigned at the Director's discretion. The Directors will use their judgment to review extenuating circumstances. *SEE ATTENDANCE POLICY BELOW
I understand that I may need to provide parts of my costume, including but not limited to undergarments, shoes, certain makeup items, and appropriate working attire for crew assignments.
I agree to pay participation fees on-time. AFHS Theatre does not deny any student the opportunity to participate due to financial reasons; please discuss any issues with fees with the Directors privately.
I understand that this production has been reviewed and approved to be performed at this school by the appropriate school authorities.
I agree that if I have a question or concern about the production, the script, my role or responsibilities, I will discuss my concerns directly with the Directors to come to a resolution.
I agree to contribute my ideas and energy at appropriate times. I will not give direction to other cast or crew members outside of my role or responsibilities. I understand the Director will make final choices pertaining to my role(s), the script, responsibilities, casting, and the artistic direction of the show.
I agree that during rehearsals I am to be respectful of those working even if I am not on stage or actively working on a crew assignment. If I cause problems by disrupting the cast or the Director during rehearsal, I understand that I may lose my role with the show.
I agree that all rehearsals and shows are a school function; thus, all school policies will be strictly enforced. I acknowledge that this is an extra-curricular activity, and I am responsible for maintaining satisfactory academic performance. I am responsible for becoming familiar with and adhering to the Student Handbook and the AFHS Code of Conduct.
I will be respectful of the Directors, Assistants, my fellow cast and crew, adult volunteers and audience members.
I understand and accept my cast or crew role and agree to perform it to the best of my ability. I understand that my failure to adhere to my commitment and the expectations listed above may affect my participation in this production, and may impact my consideration for future productions.
*Attendance Policy: Other than the conflict sheet, 3 absences will result in a meeting with the Director. If more than 5 are on the conflict sheet, that will also result in a meeting. Leaving early or arriving late by more than l hour is considered an absence.
Please e-sign this form to indicate your acceptance.
Questions: Please contact us at AFHStheatre@gmail.com